Well, I'm back to Comcast. Can't beat 75 Mbps for $49 a month for a year. AT&T just can't keep up with speed and prices. Since we've cut the cord and stream just about everything, the extra Mbps are really great around here.
I did run into a bandwidth issue with my older Netgear N600 router. The router was not giving us a good chance to get a hold of the 75 Mbps over wireless. The router was working fine over an Ethernet connection. On wireless though, you would get anywhere from 15 - 20 Mbps on any wireless device. I concluded that only an upgrade in the router would fix the issue. I bought a Netgear Nighthawk AC1900. Wow, what a difference! I suspect the underlying issue was that with 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, 3 laptops, 2 Kindles, 2 Rokus and a PS3 we hit the limits of the N600.
Finally, I just realized that for the first time in 16 years I won't be paying anything to a traditional landline company (Southwestern Bell, AT&T). At one point we had, Uverse and AT&T wireless. I calculated that we were paying them about $340 a month in services and equipment. You would think someone at AT&T would notice that and come-a-knockin', but I won't be waiting by the phone for a call from them.
Anyway, happy for a year. Let's see what kind of deal I can get next year! I had my eye on a three year deal for $50 with 150 Mbps!