Saturday, December 10, 2016

Intellij and React Native Projects

If you want to add your existing React Native project to your Intellij project as a module do the following:

  1. File > New > Module
  2. Click Static Web > Static Web
  3. In the 'Content Root' box, enter the location of the existing React Native directory.
  4. Click Finish
The reason you have to do it this way is that the Intellij Import Module from Existing Sources wants to find a source / setup for the module.  The problem is that you've got three different code streams in your React Native project:  1) Java for Android, 2) iOS XCode files and 3) React JavaScript files.  My experience has been that the Intellij scanner picks Java over JavaScript and ignores the rest of the directories.

Back to Comcast, No more AT&T

Well, I'm back to Comcast.  Can't beat 75 Mbps for $49 a month for a year.  AT&T just can't keep up with speed and prices.  Since we've cut the cord and stream just about everything, the extra Mbps are really great around here.

I did run into a bandwidth issue with my older Netgear N600 router.  The router was not giving us a good chance to get a hold of the 75 Mbps over wireless.  The router was working fine over an Ethernet connection.  On wireless though, you would get anywhere from 15 - 20 Mbps on any wireless device.  I concluded that only an upgrade in the router would fix the issue.  I bought a Netgear Nighthawk AC1900.  Wow, what a difference!  I suspect the underlying issue was that with 2 iPhones, 2 iPads, 3 laptops, 2 Kindles, 2 Rokus and a PS3 we hit the limits of the N600.

Finally,  I just realized that for the first time in 16 years I won't be paying anything to a traditional landline company (Southwestern Bell, AT&T).  At one point we had, Uverse and AT&T wireless.  I calculated that we were paying them about $340 a month in services and equipment.  You would think someone at AT&T would notice that and come-a-knockin', but I won't be waiting by the phone for a call from them.

Anyway, happy for a year.  Let's see what kind of deal I can get next year!  I had my eye on a three year deal for $50 with 150 Mbps!